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Top 10 Herbs For Weightloss

Herbs can be beneficial to weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. They are used as appetite suppressants, to increase metabolism and have also been known to reduce fat tissue.  

Ginseng- Known for its energy boosting properties, it can actually help increase metabolism and helps combat fatigue.
Green Tea- Helps with digestion, boosts metabolism and helps reduce fat.
Cinnamon- Has the ability to balance blood sugar levels. It can also keep cholesterol in check. 
Cayenne Pepper- Decreases calorie intake, helps the body to rid fat naturally.
Ginger- Ginger helps with weight loss by cleansing the digestive system. Removing waste and toxins from the digestive tract will help prevent further weight gain.
Dandelion- Packed full of fiber, beta carotene, vitamin K and many more minerals. They are liver cleansing, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. They slow digestion and can make you feel full for longer.
Black Pepper- Blocks the formation of fat cells. When combined with cayenne pepper can burn calories equivalent to taking a long walk.
Turmeric- One of the superfoods, it has been shown to stop the production of fat cells.
Cumin- Great for digestion. Has energizing properties and can help improve type 2 diabetes.
Cardamom- Can help burn fat and boost metabolism.

If you would like to buy any of these herbs, here are our recommended picks from Amazon:


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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