Natural Cures Not Medicine: prevent cancer

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Showing posts with label prevent cancer. Show all posts

Health benefits of grapefruit juice

If you enjoy a fresh glass of grapefruit juice with breakfast, here is some good news!

Anticancer:  By blocking an enzyme that activates cancer causing chemicals, grapefruit juice can help prevent the development of lung cancer.  Grapefruit also has been shown to trigger apoptosis in colon cancer cells, which means the cells undergo a programmed cell death that does not cause damage to surrounding tissue like necrosis does.  Naringenin, another compound found in grapefruits, has been shown in studies to repair damaged DNA in the cells of the prostate gland.  Grapefruits contain limonoids, a group of phytonutrients that stimulate the liver to remove more toxins from the body.

Ph:  The juice of grapefruits, when digested, causes the body to become more alkaline.  Acidity in the body can be linked to several different illnesses including cancer, viruses, and bacterial infections.

Cholesterol:  A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded that people who consume grapefruit regularly show lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol than those who do not.

Weight loss:  Grapefruits contain fiber which helps with regular digestion, helping with eight loss, and also contain no fat.  Fat burning enzymes are also found in this fruit which alter insulin levels in the body, therefore stimulating metabolic changes.

Kidneys:  D-limonene has been shown to prevent the formation of and also dissolve kidney stones.  Drinking grapefruit juice regularly helps to alkalize the urin, which lowers the chances of these stones forming and promotes overall kidney health.

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Red fruits and vegetables

Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

Red fruits and vegetables

Here are some great foods that promote your health and all happen to be the same color!

Is this color missing from your refrigerator?  Time to change that!

Strawberries:  Strawberries help to boost the immune system, protect against cataracts, fight cancer, naturally lower cholesterol, promote healthy bones, slow aging, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy eyes.

Raspberries:  Raspberries fight cancer, promote eye health, naturally lower blood pressure, help to remove toxins from the body, naturally reduce inflammation, and help to produce red blood cells.

Tomatoes:  Tomatoes help promote healthy skin and hair, naturally prevent heart disease, reduce inflammation, promote lung health, fight and prevent cancer, promote eye health, help prevent kidney disease, and promote healthy digestive system function.

Apples:  Apples can help to naturally treat asthma, prevent Alzheimer's disease, promote weight loss, strengthen and protect bones, manage diabetes, and prevent breast cancer.

Watermelon:  Watermelons help to fight and prevent infection, promote kidney health, help with weight loss, regulate blood pressure, promote cardiovascular health, prevent cancer, and promote healthy sexual function.

Radishes:  Radishes clean out the kidneys, promote healthy digestion, prevent heart disease, regulate blood pressure, remove toxins from the body, prevent the formation of cancer, and naturally relieves respiratory congestion.

Cranberries:  Cranberries help to treat skin conditions, promote dental health, fight cancer, boost brain activity and mood, treat and prevent kidney and bladder problems, boost the immune system, naturally prevent heart disease, and slow aging.

Red cabbage:  Red cabbage helps to prevent Alzheimer's disease, promotes healthy digestive system function, treats ulcers, fights and prevents cancers, prevents osteoporosis, promotes healthy skin, slows aging, and boosts the immune system.

Beets:  Beets help to prevent certain types of cancer, cleanse the liver, enhance mood, purify the blood, naturally boost energy, promote respiratory health, promote prenatal health, protect against cataracts, support healthy blood vessels, and boosts cardiovascular health.

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Health benefits of celery

Known for its crisp and crunch, what celery should really be known for is its positive effects on your health.

Juice, blend, or enjoy the crunch of this disease preventing veggie for longer life!

-Anti cancer:  Coumarins are compounds that are found in celery and can prevent various types of cancers from forming.  At least 7 other different cancer fighting nutrients are also found in celery.

-Weight loss:  Though celery itself does not necessarily burn fat, it contains a great deal of dietary fiber which is filling and hardly any calories to go along.

-Cholesterol:  Raw celery juice can be used to help naturally lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol, thus protecting the heart and blood vessels.

-Kidney health:  Removing toxins from the body helps almost all living tissue avoid damage.  Celery is also thought to help prevent the formation of kidney stones as well.

-Blood pressure:  Phtalides are found in celery, which can naturally lower blood pressure by supporting proper blood flow.  These compounds dilate blood vessels by relaxing the surrounding muscles. 

-PH:  Celery or celery juice can help to balance the body's ph.  By preventing your system from becoming acidic, you greatly lower the chances of infections and cancers.  Alkalinity also supports healthy nervous system function.

-Digestion:  The plant based fibers contained in celery can provide for regular, non-strenuous bowel movements.  Celery is also thought to relax muscles overworked by taking store bought laxatives.

-Inflammation:  Celery is believed to have strong anti inflammatory effects.  Inflammation is an underlying cause for several diseases including heart disease, cancers, arthritis, gout, and autoimmune disorders.

-Exertion:  After a long strenuous workout, drinking celery juice is an effective natural means of replacing vital electrolytes that have been depleted throughout the course of sustained exercise.

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The Power of Broccoli

Broccoli has been cultivated since the 6th Century. There are several varieties, the most common one being Calabrese. Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed, sauteed and added as an accompaniment to a wide selection of meals. Avoid boiling broccoli as this decreases the levels of vitamins and compounds that make this vegetable so powerful.

The health benefits of broccoli are:
  • Prevents cancer- in particular research suggests that broccoli can be particularly beneficial in reducing prostate cancer.
  • Keep the Nervous System healthy, reducing the risk of cell damage and development of illnesses.
  • It is a Powerful Antioxidant- helping to prevent the onset of illness and disease.
  • It is high in Vitamin C.
  • Reduces Allergy and Inflammation.
  • Helps to regulate blood pressure.
  • Alkalizes the body - helping to maintain a healthy pH balance.
  • It is great for bone health and can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

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Blackberries Fight and Prevent Cancer

Blackberries are loaded with Vitamin C and K - Packed with multiple minerals - Polyphenols - Anthocyanins - Ellagic Acid - Prevent various cancers - and they promote healthy digestion!

Here is a video from the American Cancer Society explaining how you can prevent and fight cancer with these simple berries! 

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Surprising health benefits of avocado!

Who doesn't like a bit of guacamole?  Well it may turn out that there is much more to like about the super-fruit avocado than just the flavor!

Nature's health insurance!

Anti Cancer:  Avocados are a rich source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking the absorption of certain fats in the intestines.  Scientists also suspect that avocados may be useful in treating viral hepatitis, a cause of liver cancer.

Helps Diabetes:  Avocados are absolutely packed with monounsaturated fats also known as "the good fat."  These fats actually help lower bad or LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol in the blood.  Cholesterol management is crucial for diabetes patients due to the heightened heart disease risk due to diabetes.  Monounsaturated fats may also help the body process insulin and glucose more readily.  Avocados also tout high levels of Vitamin E which is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and nerve damage in diabetics.

Reduces Inflammation:  Since avocados remove free radicals, they prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation throughout the body.  Some even believe that consuming avocados regularly can slow the process of aging!

Remember that avocados can be incorporated into several recipes and even help you absorb more of the nutrients from the meals in which they are included and even aid in weight loss!  The darker part of the fruit closest to the skin contains most of the beneficial compounds so don't let any go to waste!   Oh yeah, plant the seed too.

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How parsley helps your health

Parsley has been cultivated for thousands of years and is a staple side garnish, but did you know it can help you stay healthy?

Photo by Donovan Govan

Parsley  has high levels of vitamin C, also known as the detox vitamin, which helps lower the risk of arthritis and other health problems related to tissue damage brought on by harmful free radicals in the body.  Parsley also contains iron, which is better absorbed into the blood thanks to the presence of vitamin C.  The combo of these nutrients helps to stave off fatigue and anemia while repairing blood cells and improving the health of blood vessels.  Oils like alpha thujene, myristicin,  and limonene contained in parsley help to prevent cancers in the body by working against carcinogens and could be helpful to people at a higher risk of cancer such as cigarette smokers.  If you have always viewed parsley as just a side garnish, it may be time to give the leafy green herb a try in the middle of your plate as part of the main course, or even the main part of a healthy crisp salad!

Here are a couple more health benefits and some fun facts about parsley:




-Blood pressure


-Hair and skin

Here is a cool video with some facts about parsley:

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Beets protect the body

The health benefits of this vegetable are un-beetable!

Other than their amazing flavor, here are some reasons you may want to start including fresh beets or beet juice into your diet.

-Beets are low in calories, fat, and have zero cholesterol.

-Beets contain glycine betaine, a phytochemical compound that lowers homocysteine levels in the blood.  High levels of homocysteines result in heart disease.

-Beets are loaded with potassium.  Potassium counter acts sodium and lowers the heart rate.

-The top greens of beets contain vitamin A, antioxidant flavanoids, and carotenoids.  Vitamin A helps to prmote eye health and skin while consuming flavanoids helps to prevent certain types of cancer.

-Folates contained in beets are necessary for DNA synthesis in cells.

-Beets contain minerals such as manganese, copper, magnesium, and iron.  

-Vitamin B complexes can be found in the roots of this plant.  Among them are pyridoxine (B-6), pantothenic acid (B-5), and niacin (B-3).

-Beets contain vitamin C which is known as the detox vitamin because it removes harmful free radicals from the body which helps to prevent heart disease and cancer.


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Healing powers of jalapeños

Spice up any meal while improving your health!
File:Capsicum annuum anaheim type unripe.jpg
"Eating healthy is nature's health insurance!"

Prevent cancer:  These peppers contain a substance called capsaicin which gives the it the kick but also triggers apoptosis, programmed cell death, in prostate cancer.

Lose weight:  The capsaicin in jalapeños has thermogenic effects, burning fat for you without even being in the gym.

Migraine relief:  Some studies have pointed to the mighty jalapeño and the active substance capsaicin because it inhibits a neuropeptide that is a key brain pain transmitter.

Reduce inflammation:  Capsaicin is an anti-inflammatory, inhibiting substance P which is associated with the inflammatory process.

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