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Showing posts with label natural foods. Show all posts

Benefits of Watermelon

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

1. Heart Health - To maintain a healthy heart needs to follow a diet lows in fat, cholesterol, and rich in antioxidants such as (lycopene), which works to fight free radical compounds. Thereby protecting the vessels and arteries from hardening. And watermelon red rich in antioxidants, citrulline compound. Which helps to maintain good levels of histidine-arginine. Necessary for the production of nitric oxide. Which plays an important role in maintaining the elasticity of the arteries and blood vessels by helping to curb the interactions of oxidative stress.

2. Cancer - Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene which contains twice the amount found in tomatoes. Watermelon also contains vitamin C, A. These compounds play an active role in the fight several cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer by protecting cells from free radicals damage to vehicles. Chinese study showed in 2009 that the compounds found in watermelon, working to increase the programmed death in breast cancer cells.

3. Sexual activity - Natural Viagra by this name describes the researchers watermelon red, because it is a rich source of amino acid citrulline, which works to farther expand the blood vessels, thus allowing the passage of more blood vessels to the penis leading to erection. Dr. Patel from the University of Texas turns acid citrulline to acid arginine. This is a precursor for the production of nitric oxide, which helps to aneurysm.

4. Infections - Melons plays an important role in the treatment of many infections in the body, including inflammation of the joints. This is due to the role of vitamins contained in watermelon.

5. Kidney - Melons plays the role of detergent to the kidneys of salt deposits of limestone as a result of watermelon contain potassium, which complete the task of removing salts, potassium is also working to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Thus reducing the chance of forming kidney stones. Watermelon is also working as a diuretic result because it contains a large amount of water.

6. High blood pressure - Potassium and manganese are working on blood pressure regulation, as well as antioxidants work to maintain the health of blood vessels against sclerosis, which helps to ease the movement of the passage of blood vessels, thus reducing the high blood pressure.

Other benefits
• Moderation, eating watermelon helps in reducing weight as 100 g each gives 30 calories .
• Moderation, eating watermelon helps to regulate blood sugar level to lower sugars, potassium and magnesium are working is working to help the body to insulin secretion.
• Watermelon good for eye health because it contains a good amount of vitamin.

In addition, watermelon removes thirst, has a high nutritional value, is a summer fruit, sweet taste, take the form of spherical or cylindrical, with color a green light or dark , containing red pulp dotted with black seeds. It watermelon red. Every 100 grams of watermelon contains 30 calories, one g fiber, food, ten g sugar, one g protein, free fat and cholesterol, contains vitamins such as A, C, E, D, niacin, thiamine, B6, B12, acid Pantothenic. Also contains minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluoride, selenium. Free sodium. in addition to its nutritional value has lit the other health benefits.

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Plant Protein For Vegetarians

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

 Every cell in our body needs protein to stay alive. Protein is necessary for tissue repair and for the building of new tissues. >Your muscles, hair, nails, skin and eyes are made from proteins. So are the cells that make up all the organs in your body system – nerves, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, brain and your sex glands. >Amino acids are thebuilding blocks of protein. When you consume protein, it is broken down into various amino acids and transported throughout your body through your blood. Your cells then pick and choose the amino acids that they need to construct new body tissues, blood cells, enzymes, hormones, etc.

Here are some examples of plant protein suitable for vegetarians. Do include them in your juicing and diet, instead of meat protei

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7 Foods That Prevent Grout

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Gout is a disease that is caused by uric acid build-up in the body. Uric acid is formed when the digestive system breaks down purines in our food. A diet low in purines helps by allowing excess uric acid to be flushed out in the urine.

Some foods that prevent gout:

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is an anti-inflammatory. Research has found that supplementing with bromelain may relieve the pain associated with gout.

Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been found reapeatedly in clinical studies to reduce chronic inflammation. One study in mice found that a compound in ginger may help to reduce the inflammation associated with uric acid buildup.

Turmeric has long been recognized as an anti-inflammatory by many cultures and has been proven in several studies. Some experts recommend a daily dose of turmeric to reduce the inflammation associated with gout.

Cherry Juice
Cherry juice has been used to alleiviate gout symptoms for decades. Small studies in Italy and the United States have reported sucess with cherry juice as a gout treatment, though scientists are not certain what mechanism is active in producing this result. Cherry juice does not appear to lower uric acid levels directly but research suggests that its antiinflammatory properties may play a role in reducing gout attack occurrence from 3-4 times per year to about once a year.

Hot Peppers
Hot peppers are rich in vitamin C which has been shown to reduce uric acid levels.

Watercress contains moderate levels of vitamins and minerals and is reputed to be very beneficial to the kidneys. It may help to rid the body of excess uric acid.

Studies have found that the higher a person's vitamin C intake, the lower the incidence of gout. Try adding lemon to your water every day to alleviate gout symptoms.

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McYuck Fast Food is Packed With Preservatives

Fichoo / 9GAG

This kind of makes you think twice about eating fast food packed with preservatives. Basically the saying goes - The longer the shelf-life the worse it is for you. Obviously some natural foods can keep for long periods of time like coconuts - But things like candy and the above picture of fast food along with so many other "treats" need to be preserved so they can be shipped and sat on shelves for longer periods thus increasing profit. This is NOT about health. It's about profit. That's all. The share holders on wallstreet need to make more and more each year or the company is deemed a failure. Profits before people. And that must change.

Prevention is the best cure.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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