Natural Cures Not Medicine: berries

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Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts

These Foods Will Help You Live Longer

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Do you follow a lifestyle that helps you age slower, and promotes longevity? If you aren’t, you should think about starting! These foods can actually enhance your longevity and make you feel healthier, stronger and younger. They have the potential to slow biological aging by providing antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and an array of other nutrients that help enhance our immune system, combat inflammation, and defend against free radicals.

Image: BP/Barcroft Media
Berries are loaded with antioxidants which rapidly slow down the aging process by preventing the damage done by free radicals. A variety of studies have shown that berries, one of the most antioxidant rich fruits, have the ability to improve our memory and keep our brains sharp as we age – say goodbye to dementia and Alzheimer’s!

A large majority of the population is not getting enough water, but drinking water is one of the key elements to increasing your longevity. Drinking at least 2 litres of water daily will help improve your cellular function, metabolism, and organ function. Our bodies are made up of about 60-70% water, so this substance is incredibly essential to proper health!

Raw broccoli is incredibly high in sulforaphane (especially broccoli sprouts). This substance has been found to be very effective in preventing cancer which is one of the main causes of age-related death today (via DNA mutations which naturally occur with age). Broccoli is also loaded with other antioxidants to help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals, leaving us feeling and looking youthful!

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli, and thus makes it a wonderful cancer-fighting vegetable that you should be including in your diet at least 3 times a week. It clears out free radicals in the body, and contains a ridiculous amount of nutrients like vitamin K (key regulator of inflammation), vitamin C, iron and calcium which are crucial for prolonging our life span.

Once upon a time, thyme was used as a preservative in the Mediterranean due to it’s amazing antioxidant properties – in fact, Egyptians once used it for embalming bodies. It’s principal oil called thymol has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which neutralize disease-causing pathogens such as E.coli and staphylococcus.

Basil is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties – inflammation leads to a variety of diseases and illness if left untreated for long periods of time. The better you feel, the better your body and mind function. Particularly, holy basil has been coined the term “the elixir of life,” having the ability to improve human health and longevity. It has been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is wonderful for keeping your hormones in check, as well as boosting your immune system and strengthening your cardiovascular system. They are also rich in vitamin A, B6 and potassium which are linked to excellent heart health, especially with their ability to help regulate blood sugar. Include sweet potatoes in your diet, raw or cooked (yes, sweet potatoes are lovely eaten raw, and are not harmful – shred them in salads!).

Asparagus is loaded with beneficial nutrients which can help us live a long and healthy life. It is a natural detoxifier and diuretic making it effective in preventing kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). The nutrients in asparagus range from vitamins A, C, B and K, as well as manganese, iron, fibre and folate. It helps promote good digestion, strong bones and a healthy heart, and contains antioxidants like glutathione which is the body’s strongest antioxidant!

Avocados are filled with heart-healthy oleic acid which helps lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. They are also high in potassium which protects or heart and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure or suffering from a stroke. They contain folate, and a handful of antioxidants which fight off free radicals, protecting our organs and tissues from damage over time!

Garlic is definitely a power food! It contains sulfur compounds which protect our cardiovascular system and prevents heart attacks and stroke. Garlic is also incredibly useful in strengthening our immune system and fighting off free radicals which naturally lead to diseases like cancer and other illnesses.

Source: Live Love Fruit

Most Nutrient Dense Foods

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We all know which foods we do best to avoid, right? Despite the alluring appeal processed foods, they provide little nutrition and a whole lot of risks. Yet when it comes to the good stuff—what are the best foods to put into our bodies? While experts all agree we need a variety of foods for a healthy diet, do you know which are the healthiest of the bunch? The answers may surprise and delight you.

1. Spirulina: While the thought of eating lake algae might gross you out, spirulina is actually pretty tasty, especially blended into a smoothie or hidden in a chocolate bar. It has more antioxidants than any other food on earth and is loaded with protein and minerals making it the most nutrient dense food.

2. Kale: According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, kale is the most nutritious food, loaded with minerals, vitamins, fiber and amino acids, as well as important antioxidants that reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer. It's also delicious and an easy to prepare, versatile food.

3. Hemp Seeds: What do you get when you combine protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals? Hemp, of course. This easily digestible seed is versatile, easy to use and extremely tasty, too.

4. Chocolate: Yes, you read right. Cacao beans are so nutrient-dense that scientists haven't even begun to identify all the benefits in the little bean yet. Don't grab a Snickers though—the good stuff is found only in raw cacao beans or nibs (or really, really dark chocolate). Minerals, vitamins and tons of antioxidants are great for your heart, skin, and release chemicals in the brain that make you feel like you're in love.

5. Broccoli: Mom was right, you should eat your broccoli if you want a healthy digestive system and to decrease your risk of cancer. Broccoli has a wide range of yumminess too, from soups and stews to stir fry.

6. Spinach: Popeye was onto something with that spinach fixation. But skip the canned stuff and stick with fresh or frozen for an antioxidant, protein and fiber-rich burst of healthy goodness. Fresh or cooked, spinach's sweet and hardy flavor brightens any meal.

7. Chia: The Aztec warriors may have died out, but their legacy is alive and strong in the chia seed. This yummy, unassuming ancient favorite is loaded with omega fats, protein and fiber. Dr. Weil says it's a better choice than flax because "chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don't deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid."

8. Berries: Unlike other fruit, berries tend to be less sugary and full of vital vitamins, minerals and those free-radical avenging antioxidants. Wild berries are always a great choice, especially black raspberries.

Thank you Dave Sommers

Article Sources:

Article Author: Jill Ettinger

How To Naturally Detox Your Body

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For centuries, the practice of detoxing the body has been used to get rid of unhealthy toxins and buildup in our cells and tissues. In fact, Hippocrates recommended fasting to quickly remove these toxins, and the art of fasting itself has been used by numerous historical figures such as Ghandi, and famous doctors of antiquity like Avicenna, Asclepiades, and Celsus who recommended their patients undertake 3-5 week long water fasts to regain health and strength. The pioneer of medicine, Paracelsus claimed that fasting is the best remedy for many diseases.

Of course, many individuals may not be in the proper positions in their life to undertake such dramatic measures. I, myself, have water fasted to rid myself of various ailments, and a majority of the time the issues cleared themselves up. Instead, choosing actual vegetables, fruits and herbs that help detox the organs in our body is usually the easier (and safer) route. Although it may take longer for the body to heal this way, you are still helping it cleanse the daily toxins we are bombarded with day in day out.

The body actually has a detox system itself. These organs include the Liver, the Colon, and the Kidneys.

The liver is your body’s first line of defence against toxins. Think of the liver as a sieve that prevents toxic substances from food or the environment from entering our bloodstream and making us sick. When the liver is compromised, then these substances by-pass the liver and enter the bloodstream, and from there you may then suffer from a variety of diseases and illnesses.

The colon has healthy bacteria that produce a variety of chemicals to help flush out whatever debris might be lingering in the intestines. Making sure that things are constantly flowing, and that you are not constantly constipated or have diarrhea is crucial since this detox system helps flush out toxic chemicals. If you haven’t had a bowel movement in awhile, or if your bowel movements are limited to one small movement a day, then you may suffer from toxic buildup in your intestine (which can lead to an array of health issues). Instead of being flushed out, these toxins sit and get absorbed into the blood stream, which means bad news!

The kidneys are constantly filtering the blood and get rid of toxins in the form of urine. If the liver, colon and kidneys are compromised, then you have got a huge system of toxic buildup which can lead to health issues like cancer, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and the chance to develop autoimmune diseases.

Below is a list of foods for certain areas of our body that you may want to focus on. Personally, I would focus on them all by switching to a whole foods lifestyle, heavy on the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, fresh green juices and LOTS of water, in addition to these foods.

Garlic, Leafy Greens, Cayenne, Beets, Ginger Root, Avocados

Carrots, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Berries, Echinacea, Astragalus

Dandelion, Beets, Berries, Cabbage, Watermelon, Grapes

Dandelion Greens, Garlic, Beets, Broccoli, Lemons, Turmeric

Bananas, Ginger, Turmeric, Asparagus, Pears, Fennel

Broccoli, Grapes, Berries, Tomatoes, Garlic, Avocados

Apples, Cucumber, Lemon, Leafy Greens, Beets, Sweet Potato

Source: Live Love Fruit

10 Fruits You Should Be Adding To Your Smoothies Today!

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Smoothies are a great way to increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Over the past 10 years of perfecting smoothies, I have found that certain fruits work better in smoothies than others, and that including high-antioxidant rich fruits into your smoothie will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Read on to find out 10 different fruits that you should definitely start adding to your smoothies TODAY!

Cherries are a popular summer fruit and should be eaten while they are in season. They are very high in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help lower your risk of developing heart disease and cancer. They also help promote healthy skin and brain cells. Cherries are also great anti-inflammatory fruits, and have been shown to act just as effectively as the painkiller ibuprofen. Make sure you choose deep, dark, red cherries (not light coloured – those are un-ripe), and be sure to pit the cherries before you blend.

Bananas are an amazing power food! They help individuals overcome depression because of their high levels of tryptophan (which is converted into serotonin in the brain; the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter). They protect against muscle cramps during workouts and counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones. They also improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms and help individuals lose weight via their fat-metabolizing resistant starch. Make sure to include ripe, spotty bananas in your smoothies as these are the kind that will help you gain these awesome benefits!

Berries are one of the best foods to include in your smoothies, especially because they are the fruits with the highest levels of antioxidants. Berries help lower your risk of certain cancers, and improve memory function and urinary tract health, as well as promote healthy aging. Berries are also very high in fiber which helps to maintain a healthy GI tract, lower blood cholesterol and reduce heart disease. Another compound in berries called “ellagic acid” is a potent anti-carcinogen, which has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. I would recommend putting around 1-2 cups of berries per smoothie (make sure you buy organic berries! Conventional berries are one of the highest sprayed fruits out there!)

Peaches & Nectarines
Peaches and nectarines are both very high in beta carotene which is essential for eye health (helps improve vision health by increasing circulation of blood in the eyes, and other body parts). Vitamin C content in these two fruits are also wonderful for skin care and reducing dark circles under the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles. Peaches and nectarines are great toxin cleansers as well, and their high fiber and potassium content reduces kidney related diseases and reduces risk of developing ulcers. Add 1 or 2 peaches or nectarines to your next smoothie – be sure to remove the pit!

Antioxidant compounds in mango have been found to protect against a variety of cancers like colon, break, leukemia, and prostate. Mangos are high in fiber, pectin, and vitamin C too, which helps lower serum cholesterol levels and helps clear the skin. Adding a cup or two of mango to your smoothie will ensure your body benefits from the mango’s amazing properties.

Who doesn’t love pineapple? Make sure you choose ripe pineapple (the green leaves on top start to turn brown when it is just about ready), otherwise, you will have battery-acid mouth for the rest of the day! Did you know that pineapples are incredibly high in vitamin C, so they help boost the immune system and keep our gums healthy. Pineapples are also high in manganese, which is a trace mineral needed by your body to help build bones and connective tissues. They also lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and the bromelain in pineapple helps alleviate inflammatory-related diseases like arthritis!

Oranges are a definite power food! They literally dissolve the mucus in your body and get rid of nasty blockages that may be causing a variety of underlying bodily issues. Oranges are rich in limonoids which help fight a number of cancers including skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. They also help reduce the risk of kidney stones and help lower cholesterol because of the high content of soluble fiber. Not only that, but this fruit is very high in potassium, an electrolyte mineral required for proper heart and nerve function. Last but not least, we all know the orange is high in vitamin C, which keeps our immune system strong and healthy! Juice a couple oranges for your next smoothie instead of buying pasturized orange juice which is very low in bioavailable nutrients.

Papaya is a great fruit for improving skin health and fighting against acne and skin infections. It is very rich in fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels and contains enzymes which prevent the oxidation of cholesterol (in turn, helping to prevent heart attacks). The enzymes in papaya are also wonderful for relieving constipation and diarrhea, and helps to cure infections of the colon. The seeds are great for ridding the body of intestinal worms too! Put 1-2 cups of ripe papaya in your next smoothie!

Grapes contain resveratrol which helps assist with weight loss by 1) reducing the cells’ ability to store fat; and 2) causing the fat to disintegrate 246% higher than normal! Resveratrol also improves blood vessel dilation, allowing blood to flow more easily through blood vessels. Grapes also protect the brain, thanks to resveratrol which cleans up brain-damaging plaques and free radicals (both of which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease). I sometimes like making an all-grape smoothie, with 1-2lbs of grapes in a blender, pulse blended for 30 seconds and you are good to go!


Finally, the kiwi is a great fruit to add to your smoothies! They contain a protein-dissolving enzyme which helps digest meals more efficiently and have high levels of potassium which helps manage our blood pressure. Kiwis have been found to protect the cell DNA from oxidative damage (something that leads to many cancers), and the high vitamin C content boosts your immunity. The fiber on kiwis are great for removing toxins from your intestinal tract too! Putting a couple ripe kiwis in your smoothie will allow you to reap these awesome benefits!

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Red fruits and vegetables

8 Foods that Boost your Brain Power

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When it comes to improving brain power, choosing the right foods is essential. The nutrients you ingest, day in, day out, will help you use your brain more efficiently. The more you are using your brain, the more it will grow new connections, new cells, and improve your ability to problem-solve and store memories.

Making sure you eat fresh, local organic produce is also crucial. This will get your brain functioning at its peak, because these foods are much closer to their natural state and have a much higher availability of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming highly processed foods that are filled with numerous chemicals are not nutritious, and can actually slow the connections and neuronal firing in your brain.

I should also mention that drinking plenty of water (at least 2 litres or more a day) is very important to help the brain function properly and to help you feel more alert. After all, your water constitutes over 85% of your brain’s weight. 

8 Foods that Boost your Brain Power

Berries (blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, goji berries, mulberries, seabuckthorn, golden berries, boysenberries, saskatoons, etc.)
Berries are a great food for increasing brain power because of their high antioxidant content. They have been shown to prevent nerve-related degeneration and decline in both cognitive and motor function because they reduce inflammation and improve neuronal cell longevity. The polyphenolic compounds in berries also protect against neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as depression.

Asparagus (and other foods rich in folic acid like okra, spinach, collards, sunflower seeds, romaine lettuce and beans)
Why are foods that are high in folic acid great for the brain? This vitamin has been found to improve memory and cognition in healthy adults aged 50-70 years old. Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin which improves cognitive functioning, especially with respect to memory and information processing speed. Consuming foods rich in folic acid like asparagus and spinach will help your brain tremendously!

Avocados are a great healthy fat to include in your diet and they are high in vitamin E. They contain essential fatty acids which are necessary for maximum brain power as well as supporting proper brain growth and development. Omega fatty acids help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and help boost your memory and ability to learn new things!

Carrots (and other foods rich in beta carotene and vitamin C like mangos, oranges, broccoli, tomato, cantaloupe, peppers, and rainbow chard)
Beta carotene rich foods may reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Beta carotene is an antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress in the brain which normally damages brain cells leading to rapid brain aging and associated cognitive decline. In studies with groups of individuals taking beta carotene and comparing them to controls (no beta carotene), it was found that the brain was able to function much more efficiently, particularly with respect to verbal memory.

Hemp Seeds (and other healthy nuts & seeds like chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds)
Hemp seeds are high in omega fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory and help protect the nervous system. How do they do this? To put it simply, they “feed” and repair the myelin sheaths that protect our nerves, which if not protected, can lead to serious health issues like multiple sclerosis (a disease caused by myelin sheath damage). Omega fatty acids in hemp seeds and other nuts and seeds also help lift depression and those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and can reduce the harmful effects of chronic stress.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (think collards, kale, swiss card, beet greens, green & red leaf lettuce, dandelion greens, and dark green herbs like basil, mint, parsley, cilantro, dill, arugula, and watercress)
Dark leafy green vegetables are known for their ability to keep the brain sharp through aging. These greens are rich in folate (a B vitamin, as mentioned earlier) and can protect against cognitive decline in older adults. Folate helps reduce blood levels of homocysteine (a blood marker of cardiovascular disease), which when high, have been linked to lower cognitive test scores. Leafy green vegetables are also very mineral and vitamin dense, which help keep our brain sharp, and our thoughts clearer.

Bananas are a great brain food. For one, they help lift depression due to their high tryptophan content (a protein that the body converts into serotonin), which helps you relax and improve mood. Secondly, they are remarkably high in potassium (same with medjool dates!) which is a mineral that helps send oxygen to the brain and thus makes you feel more alert. They are also rich in B vitamins which are very important in calming the nervous system and protecting the myelin sheath around our nerves.

Watermelon (and other water rich foods like melon, zucchini, cucumbers and celery)

Ensuring you stay hydrated is a great way to keep your memory sharp, moods balanced and motivation strong. If you are dehydrated (which more than 95% of the population normally is), you reduce oxygen flow to the brain and could temporarily shrink neurons. Consuming water rich foods like watermelon, cucumbers and celery will prevent this from happening and can help you focus better on the tasks at hand.

Source : Live Love Fruit

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Foods That Heal The Kidneys

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1. Burdock: Burdock is known for it's blood purifying abilities. It is highly regarded for its action in the urinary tract, being of benefit to the kidneys and bladder infections, inflammations and kidney stones.

2. Cucumber: Help to wash the kidneys and bladder of debris and stones. Studies have shown that eating cucumbers regularly helps to regulate uric acid in the body, thereby preventing certain kidney and bladder stones.

3. Celery: Promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body! In fact, Hippocrates considered celery a medicine and recommended it for its kidney cleansing benefits. 

4. Cilantro: Cilantro may help reduce the damaging effects of lead on the kidneys. Cilantro is also useful for removing mercury, a toxic metal that decreases the kidneys' ability to filter and increases risk for kidney disease.

5. Parsley: Parsley is known as the best cleaning treatment for kidneys. It increases diuresis by inhibiting the Na+/K+-ATPase pump in the kidney, thereby enhancing sodium and water excretion while increasing potassium reabsorption. It is also valued as an aquaretic. 

6. Berries: These yummy fruits with vibrant colours are really healthy food for your kidney. Be it strawberry, raspberry, blueberries and last but not the least cranberries all have their individual and collect functions that benefit the kidneys. Cranberry increase the acidic nature of urine thereby eliminating infections, blueberries are anti-inflammatory and raspberries help neutralise the impurities in the kidney.

7. Red Bell Pepper: Provide roughage from the fibre, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A and folic acid and also antioxidant lypocene that cleanses your kidneys.

8. Beets: The blood-red beet is also a good tonic for the blood, providing rich amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Perhaps this is why beets are thought to strengthen the heart. With a wealth of vitamin C, carotene, and B vitamins, beets may nourish the nerves, aid lymphatic function, and increase energy

Source : Live Love Fruit

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Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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