Natural Cures Not Medicine: apple cider vinegar

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Showing posts with label apple cider vinegar. Show all posts

Do you have Heartburn (Reflux)?

Heartburn is generally caused from *inadequate* stomach acid, not too much.

For natural comfort, I'd try Tum-Ease or Gripe Water (fennel and ginger are the ingredients), or improving stomach acid and thus digestion, are safer solutions than antacids which don't address the *cause*.

When food is incompletely digested, it begins to putrefy in the stomach. Purification of food in the stomach causes gas, which regurgitates up the esophagus (with stomach acid).

Suppressing stomach acid only relieves the discomfort of the regurgitation. Suppressing stomach acid DECREASES the ability of the body from digesting food properly and completely into nutrients. Undigested or poorly digested food leads to further digestion issues in the gut (and nutrient deficiencies).

Inadequate stomach acid allows pathological bacteria to survive in the stomach.Undigested food is then sent to the small bowel where it increases the growth of "wrong" gut microbials and feeds candida, for instance.

Stomach acid is the first line of defense against disease, after saliva.

A squeeze of lemon juice in water or raw apple cider vinegar in water with meals, or a forkful of whole food probiotics with meals will improve stomach acid, digestion, nutrient absorption and gut microbial balance.

Cabbage juice, sauerkraut, zinc, apple cider vinegar, fermented vegetables, B12 all help to improve stomach acid naturally.

Spices, teas and herbs, i.e. camomile, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, nettles and other "bitters" etc. stimulate digestion also.

Eat beets. If they turn your urine pink/red, then you have low stomach acid. Stomach acid is a very important first step in digestion. Without enough, you can't absorb B12, and you have trouble absorbing zinc as well as several other nutrients.

If you don't have adequate stomach acid, proteins aren't broken down properly, and so they can cause trouble in the small intestine and/or get absorbed whole into the bloodstream. This leads to inflammatory issues, food intolerances, digestion and bowel issues, allergies and asthma as the body reacts to the *foreign* products in the blood.

If one system (digesting proteins with HCl in the stomach) doesn't work, then the next system addresses the problem, if it is functioning. If the HCl is present with zinc and B1 and B6, then the proteins are digested!!

This article was made by another great website you should check out --> HealThyself

10 Amazing Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

I’ve mentioned many times on my facebook page how great raw apple cider vinegar is for your health. However, almost every time I post about it, a reader asks how to use it. It seems to me that a lot of people have heard that ACV is good for you, but they don’t quite know how to incorporate it into their lives. After all, it is vinegar, so you can’t just chug it straight from the bottle…yuk! This article will give you 10 different ways to use this miracle elixir!

The Many Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

But first, let’s talk about WHY you should be using apple cider vinegar. The benefits to raw apple cider vinegar are many. Apart from containing many beneficial vitamins and minerals, apple cider vinegar also contains acetic acid, potassium and malic acid. It can help regulate blood sugar, aid digestion, build muscle, clear skin, reduce bad cholesterol, prevent sickness with its antiviral properties, help remove toxins and aid in weight loss. It is also an alkalizing food, so it helps your body maintain good PH levels.

When choosing apple cider vinegar, you should always get raw (unpasteurized) with the mother like this one to ensure you will get all the benefits from it.

If you want even more ideas, this book is less that $4 and has a bunch of great tips on how to use apple cider vinegar for natural cures.

10 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Drink 1-2 tablespoons ACV diluted in a glass of still or bubbly water with a teaspoon of raw honey like this (optional). You can also buy ACV drinks at some health food stores, I love this brand with added cinnamon–it tastes like apple pie in a bottle and it’s good for you too! You can also make a drink with ginger like this recipe.

2. Use ACV in place of balsamic vinegar in salad dressing.

3. Add 1-2 tablespoons ACV to your morning smoothie. Start with one tablespoon and work your way up. It is vinegar and can have a strong flavor, so be careful not to start with too much.

4. Use it as a facial toner to improve complexion and restore skin’s natural PH.

5. Use it to naturally treat dandruff.

6. Heal your sunburn quickly and naturally.

7. Use ACV as an all purpose cleaner. Mix equal parts water and ACV and add 2-3 drops essential oils like lavender or tea tree. (Find quality essential oils here)

8. Use ACV to soak your beans, legumes or grains to reduce phytic acid and make them more easily digested. Simply cover a pot of dry uncooked beans with filtered water. The water should come well over the top of the beans (they will expand), then add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per cup of beans to the water. The acidic medium helps reduce the anti-nutrients in beans that block absorption of vitamins and minerals.

9. Use ACV in your bath. Add ½- 1 cup to your bath water along with epsom salts and lavender essential oil for a relaxing and detoxifying bath.

10. Help treat yeast infections by adding 1 cup ACV to your bath or by adding 1 tablespoon to your water in the morning.

Top 20 Natural Painkillers You Already Have In Your Kitchen

We just discovered a fantastic, fascinating list of natural painkillers that are common kitchen ingredients! What’s interesting is that the list is not just a basic list – but also gives specific information as to the type of pain that researchers have found that these natural ingredients may assist with – and the way in which the food is used (not all of the remedies involve actually eating the herb / food in question!)

This list is absolutely incredible – and the uses are based on reports from scientific research (this info is included at the source article – link at the foot of my commentary). The original list is a bit of a long read though, requiring much scrolling – and so we thought it might be good to seem them all “at a glance” – so for those who want to “skim” through the list really quickly, I made a “short version” of the top 20, together with a summary of the condition each item is used for.

Once again, the miracles of nature have astounded me and made me wonder if the modern world will tamper with everything before going full circle and realizing that “natural is best” after all! Thankfully there are still many good scientists doing groundbreaking work in this field and I take my hat off to you.

Top 20 Natural Painkillers List

Ginger (add to 1-2 teaspoons daily to diet for general muscle pain) 10 more health benefits of ginger
Cloves (chewed gently for toothache / gum inflammation)
Apple Cider Vinegar (1tbsp mixed with water before meals for heartburn) More apple cider vinegar uses
Garlic (made into a special oil for earache – recipe at the original article)
Cherries (joint pain, headaches – 1 bowl per day)
Oily fish (Salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel, herring – intestinal inflammation – 18oz per week)
Yogurt (PMS – 2 cups per day)
Turmeric (chronic pain – 1/4 teaspoon per day) Turmeric is more effective than 14 different pharmaceutical drugs
Oats (endometrial pain – they are gluten free)
Salt (hot, salty foot baths for ingrown toenails – 1tsp per cup of water – 20 mins twice daily)
Pineapple (stomach bloating, gas – 1 cup of fresh pineapple)
Peppermint (add a few drops of the essential oil to bath for sore muscles)
Grapes (back pain – 1 heaping cup per day)
Water (general injury pain, helps wash away the pain-triggering histamine – 8 x 8 ounce glasses per day)
Horseradish (sinus pain – 1 teaspoon twice daily)
Blueberries (bladder / urinary tract infections – 1 cup daily)
Raw Honey (topical application 4 times daily for cold sores / canker sores) (see also our special report on raw honey) More health benefits of raw honey
Flax (breast pain – 3 tablespoons daily – must be ground or seeds will pass right through!)
Coffee (migraines – caffeine stimulates the stomach to absorb pain meds better)
Tomato Juice (leg cramps – tomato juice is rich in potassium – 10oz daily)

Can you think of any more? Let us know in the comments.


How to treat a sinus infection naturally


Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a hailed sinus infection treatment. Being just one of many apple cider vinegar uses, countless individuals attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against a multitude of health conditions, including sinus infection. One of the most powerful ways to use ACV is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey. The sinus infection could vanish within just a few days. Another option when taking apple cider vinegar is to simply take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily, whether diluted to ingest throughout the day or made to ingest quickly. Lastly, you can also try steaming with apple cider vinegar; mix ~1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 of water, heat it on the stove, and inhale the steam with mouth and eyes closed. I recommend using organic ACV over non-organic.

Turmeric – Thanks to a powerful compound found in turmeric known as curcumin, turmeric possesses powerful health benefits. Among the health benefits of turmeric is the spice’s ability to treat sinus infection. Curcumin helps to heal the sinus cavity and clear the airways. Since sinus infections are caused by nasal inflammation, and turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, the spice can be seen as one of the existing natural cures for sinus infection.

Nasal Saline Rinse – While the above remedies may suffice, a nasal saline rinse is also a very popular sinus infection treatment to store in your home remedies memory bank. For the mixture, you could try mixing ~1/4 teaspoon of sea salt or pickling salt with a pinch of baking soda and a cap-full of food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup of warm water or simply use sea salt/pickling salt and warm water. If you have never done a nasal irrigation, or saline rinse before, ask someone who has for assistance or try following detailed directions. It may not be the most comfortable of solutions, but a nasal saline rinse seems to continuously be passed down as one of the more effective home remedies for sinus infection.

Oregano Oil – While it may not be the most accessible of the home remedies for sinus infection, oregano oil can be an effective sinus infection treatment. Not only could you simply ingest the oregano oil, but the oil can also be steamed and inhaled over a stove (with eyes closed). In addition to being a potential treatment for sinus infection, oregano oil benefits may also help to improve digestion, aid in fighting infections, and improve biological function – especially in the liver and colon.

In addition to the above home remedies for sinus infection treatment, you could try utilizing some of these options.

Elevate your head while sleeping.

Apply warm compresses to your face multiple times daily for 5 minutes each.

Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster, and can help to fend off sinus infections. Try taking up to 1000 mg of vitamin C 1-3 times daily.

Drink got liquids to help moisturize your mucous membranes and to help wash away mucus out of your sinuses more quickly.

Clean your house and especially your bedroom. Using a HEPA filter air purifier will also be beneficial.
Source: Natural Society


How To Heal Sunburn Overnight

Sunburn Remedy: Instant Relief and Overnight Healing - Sunburn healing supplies: Clean washcloth, I love these organic cotton cloths, Raw apple cider vinegar, Organic coconut oil. >Heal your sunburn overnight in just 2 steps:

First, wet the washcloth with cold water, then splash on the apple cider vinegar. Dab the wet cloth onto your sunburn, soaking the skin. You should notice instant relief from any stinging! It feels sooo good on a sunburn. 

After a few minutes, your skin should be dry.

Now, liberally rub on some coconut oil to the sunburned area. By the next day, your skin should be significantly healed. I recommend continuing with the coconut oil for several days to promote healing and to help ease the skin peeling that is usually inevitable after a burn. Exfoliate and lubricate with more coconut oil!

This worked like a charm for my most recent sunburn. Immediate relief from the stinging, and literally the next day, it wasn’t red anymore. Maybe the slightest bit pink. But the sting never came back. Just to be sure, though, I dabbed on another round of the apple cider vinegar, let it dry, then followed with more coconut oil. The following day, it was just tanned skin!

Give this remedy a try next time you get a little too crispy from the sun, and say goodbye to that burn!

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Using Apple Cider Vinegar To Cleanse Your Body And Kidney

Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Eat these foods and add these to your diet to reduce inflammation and pain! TURMERIC or Circumin, the active compound in this spice, is what makes it so powerful for healing. CHERRIES contain substances called anthocyanosides which are very effective at lowering uric acid levels. GINGER can be made into a tea from roots or be added to juices or smoothies.
PINEAPPLE contains the anti-inflammatory bromeliad. OMEGA-3 FOODS try freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds unground, and hemp seeds. RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - pour a tablespoon or two into 4-8 oz of purified water.

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Using Essential Oils For Arthritis

Natural Detox and Immune Boosting Tonic

A great natural detox and immune boosting tonic:

This concoction of Nature's Super Antibiotics destroys both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is also a potent anti-viral and anti-fungal/yeast formula, and will increase blood and lymph circulation to every part of the body. It is so effective that it is said to be the cure for colds and the flu, and is the herbal preparation of choice against Candida. This basic formula dates back to medieval Europe and the plagues. 

Benefit of each Ingredient: (All Organic Of Course!!)
  • Garlic is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill off millions of friendly bacteria that your body needs, Garlic only targets the invading bacteria and even promotes and increases your healthy bacteria. Garlic is also a powerful anti-fungal and literally destroys any antigen, pathogen and any harmful or disease causing micro-organism. 
  • Onion is Garlic's next of kin and has similar but milder action. Together they are a tremendous fighting duo. 
  • Horseradish is a potent herb for the sinus and lungs. It opens up the sinus passages and increases the circulation there, where most doctors agree, the common cold and influenza often starts. 
  • Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is a tremendous circulatory stimulant.
  • Cayenne (Peppers) is the most powerful circulatory propellant known. It simply sends the antibiotic and disease fighting properties of the other herbs where they're needed most.
  • Turmeric clears infection and reduces inflammation inside of the body. It blocks cancer from developing. Especially helpful for those with joint pain.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs Organic ACV)  There surely must be something really healthy in using apple cider vinegar, since The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, used this vinegar around 400 B.C. for its health giving qualities. It is said that he had only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar. 

  • 1 30 oz. bottle Organic Apple Cider Vinegar(I recommend Braggs ACV)
  • 1/4 cup chopped Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Onions
  • 1/4 cup Habanero peppers (or hottest peppers you can find)
  • 1/4 cup grated Ginger
  • 1/4 cup grated Horseradish
  • 2 T Turmeric

  1. Blend  ingredients together for a couple of minutes
  2. Strain
  3. Pour liquid back in bottle
  4. Compost everything else!

You can store the tonic in a cupboard for long periods of time. No need to keep in the refrigerator. You can also use it mixed with olive oil for a salad dressing.  Or a shot full on your stir fry.

*For sore throat, gargle a bit in the mouth and swallow.
*For an illness, such as a cold or flu, take about 2 droppers full or a Tablespoon every couple of hours.  
*For daily immune support drink 2 droppers full/ 1Tablespoon every day. Build up tolerance to a shot glass full.
*Eat an orange, lemon, or lime slice after to ease the heat.
All About Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh ripe apples that are fermented and undergo a stringent process to create the final product. The vinegar contains a host of vitamins, beta-carotene, pectin and vital minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, chlorine, sulphur, iron, and fluorine.

Pectin in the vinegar is a fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol and helps in regulating blood pressure. The need for calcium supplements once you start growing older is very well known. This vinegar helps extract calcium from the fruits, vegetables and meat it is mixed with, helping in the process of maintaining strong bones. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of ailments including hair loss, weak finger nails, brittle teeth, sinusitis, and a permanently running nose. Apple cider vinegar is loaded with potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in stunted growth. All these ailments can be avoided with the intake of apple cider vinegar. The potassium in this vinegar also helps in eliminating toxic waste from the body. The beta-carotene helps in countering damage caused by free radicals, helping one maintain firmer skin and a youthful appearance. Apple cider vinegar is good for those wanting to lose weight. It helps in breaking down fat which helps in natural weight reduction.

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is very helpful in fighting fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around joints, helping relieve joint pains. This dissolved uric acid is gradually eliminated from the body.
It is claimed that apple cider vinegar is helpful in ailments such as constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity, along with a host of many other ailments. No wonder then many know apple cider vinegar as the "Wonder Drug".
Alex is a renowned speaker, (R)evolutionary teacher and world traveler, having lived and studied in the United States, South Africa and Costa Rica. She has a BA in Environmental Studies, a Masters Degree in Psychology and is a qualified Yoga instructor. She is a continuous source of inspiration to thousands of women around the world and has spent her life tirelessly researching ways to maintain a fully balanced life. 

Natural Ways To Treat Acne

Eating These Foods Daily Has Been Shown To Decrease and Prevent Acne





Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!

Related posts:

Apple Cider Vinegar Cures

Apple Cider Vinegar Cures

What is it being used for?

Acid reflux - Acne - Allergies - Arthritis - Asthma - Blood pressure - Candida - Cholesterol problems - Chronic fatigue - Dermatitis - Athlete's foot - Nail fungus - Gout - Flu - Sinus infection - Sore throat - food poisoning - and skin problems.
For centuries people have been using natural apple cider vinegar as both a food and medicine for themselves and their pets. Since 400BC Hippocrates - the father of modern medicine and others have used vinegar and vinegar mixed with honey as an energizing tonic and healing elixir.

Natural Cures Not Medicine
Eating healthy is health insurance!

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6 Natural Pain Killers

  • 1 - Ginger! (muscle pain)
  • 2 - Apple Cider Vinegar! (heartburn)
  • 3 - Clove! (toothache)
  • 4 - Garlic! (earache)
  • 5 - Cherries! (headache / joint pain)
  • 6 - Fish! (stomach pain)


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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