Natural Cures Not Medicine: anti inflammatory

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Showing posts with label anti inflammatory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti inflammatory. Show all posts

Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

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Eat these foods and add these to your diet to reduce inflammation and pain! TURMERIC or Circumin, the active compound in this spice, is what makes it so powerful for healing. CHERRIES contain substances called anthocyanosides which are very effective at lowering uric acid levels. GINGER can be made into a tea from roots or be added to juices or smoothies.
PINEAPPLE contains the anti-inflammatory bromeliad. OMEGA-3 FOODS try freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds unground, and hemp seeds. RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - pour a tablespoon or two into 4-8 oz of purified water.

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Using Essential Oils For Arthritis

Health benefits of celery

Known for its crisp and crunch, what celery should really be known for is its positive effects on your health.

Juice, blend, or enjoy the crunch of this disease preventing veggie for longer life!

-Anti cancer:  Coumarins are compounds that are found in celery and can prevent various types of cancers from forming.  At least 7 other different cancer fighting nutrients are also found in celery.

-Weight loss:  Though celery itself does not necessarily burn fat, it contains a great deal of dietary fiber which is filling and hardly any calories to go along.

-Cholesterol:  Raw celery juice can be used to help naturally lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol, thus protecting the heart and blood vessels.

-Kidney health:  Removing toxins from the body helps almost all living tissue avoid damage.  Celery is also thought to help prevent the formation of kidney stones as well.

-Blood pressure:  Phtalides are found in celery, which can naturally lower blood pressure by supporting proper blood flow.  These compounds dilate blood vessels by relaxing the surrounding muscles. 

-PH:  Celery or celery juice can help to balance the body's ph.  By preventing your system from becoming acidic, you greatly lower the chances of infections and cancers.  Alkalinity also supports healthy nervous system function.

-Digestion:  The plant based fibers contained in celery can provide for regular, non-strenuous bowel movements.  Celery is also thought to relax muscles overworked by taking store bought laxatives.

-Inflammation:  Celery is believed to have strong anti inflammatory effects.  Inflammation is an underlying cause for several diseases including heart disease, cancers, arthritis, gout, and autoimmune disorders.

-Exertion:  After a long strenuous workout, drinking celery juice is an effective natural means of replacing vital electrolytes that have been depleted throughout the course of sustained exercise.

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Superfoods you should be eating daily

Some food is as helpful as a super-hero so we like to call them... 


Garlic is a great anti bacterial - anti fungal - anti viral - and antiseptic.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C

Avocado can lower your cholesterol

Hemp Seeds are a complete protein

Spinach is an anti inflammatory

Kale is high in Iron

Cucumbers hydrate the body

Grapefruit boosts liver function

Peppers are loaded with antioxidants!

Natural remedies for the flu

It seems every cold season, people are rushing to get injections.  Why not live more healthy and avoid the pinch in the first place?

Keep calm and avoid needles!

Here are some extra benefits from eating these natural flu fighters:

Citrus:  Lemons help to balance the body's ph if taken with water first thing in the morning.  They also detox the body and lower bad LDL cholesterol levels.  Eating lemons regularly may help to prevent viral infections as well.  Mandarin oranges contain a flavanoid called hesperedin which works in concert with vitamin c to help in collagen production, helping slow down aging.  Oranges are loaded with vitamin C, the detox vitamin, and flavanoids which protect the heart by removing free radicals from the body.  Grapefruits have been shown to help with losing excess weight and contain anticancer compounds as well.  Limes are good for the skin and can be used for a natural non toxic deodorant.  Limes are also known for anti cancer effects.

Apple cider vinegar:  Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels which allow for less storage of excess fat.  Women with yeast infections have been known to use apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment.  Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar contains beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from toxins and slows aging.  Since apple cider vinegar lowers harmful LDL cholesterol, it can be a great way to naturally prevent heart disease.  Apple cider vinegar has anti inflammatory effects which can be utilized internally for systemic inflammation or externally for skin irritation.

Peppermint:  A long day of stress on the job can be treated by adding some peppermint oil to your bath and breathing in the cool aroma.  Indigestion can also be treated by taking peppermint.  Peppermint has antiseptic properties and can be applied to skin abrasions or bug bites for relief and protection against infection.  Even pimples and acne are believed to be treatable by using essential oils form the peppermint plant.  Respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis can be treated by breathing the vapors of peppermint oil.  Peppermint contains 3 omega fatty acids and scores of vitamins and minerals to promote better health overall.

Oregano oil:  Antioxidant properties of oregano oil make it an ideal way to naturally reduce aging due to the fact that it flushes toxic compounds from the blood stream.  A powerful natural antibiotic, oregano oil has been known to do battle with some of the harshest infections around including staph and e coli.  Women can benefit from taking oregano oil as it helps to alleviate abnormal menstruation.  A digestive aid, oregano oil stimulates bile production.  The anti inflammatory properties of oregano oil make it and ideal way to naturally treat allergies and congestion.

Garlic:  When crushed, biochemical reactions occur that result in the creation of allicin, a heavy hitting antioxidant that not only protects against heart disease and other conditions resulting from oxidative damage, but is also now known to be a potent anti cancer agent.  Garlic is also known to help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promote healthy cholesterol while lower bad cholesterol.  Garlic oil has a powerful anti fungal and anti microbial effect as well as tumor fighting qualities.

Echinacea:  Strong antimicrobial properties make this herb a natural antibiotic.  In addition to fighting infection, it can also be used topically for sunburn and other skin irritation.  Ear infections and sinusitis have aslo been treated in the past using echinacea.  This herb is also highly recommended for colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections.

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Foods that eliminate bad breath

Using Lemons To Detox

They are trying to outlaw saving your own seed in Europe

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home made healing salad dressing recipe

Next time you chop up some fresh veggies for a salad, try putting together a home made dressing filled with invigorating and healing ingredients.

Everything we eat either contributes to our health or takes away from it.  Here is a good recipe for a delicious, natural, healing salad dressing:

2 cloves of garlic:  The allicin in garlic is a powerful antibiotic which even shows promise in use against serious infections such as tuberculosis and MRSA.  Garlic also detoxifies the body, and helps to lower the risk of heart disease.  Garlic was used by ancient Roman and Egyptian workers for improved physical stamina.

1 thumbnail sized slice of fresh ginger:  Ginger is a potent pain killer and has anti inflammatory effects.  Studies have shown that ginger can slow the growth of some cancer cells and even cause cell death in ovarian cancer cells.  Ginger can also be taken for motion sickness and heartburn.

1 lemon's worth of juice:  The citric acid in lemon juice can help to dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones.  Lemons contain vitamin C, the detox vitamin, which sweeps away free radicals that can cause damage to tissue in the body.  The hesperetin found in lemons can help with allergy symptoms.

1/4 cup olive oil:  Monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil help the body to manage cholesterol.  Extra virgin olive oil triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells.  A chemical compound present in olive oil possesses anti inflammatory properties.

  1. Finely mince garlic and ginger.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add to your favorite salad or grilled veggies.

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Health benefits of sage

Add sage to your list of super herbs!

Sage can be added to a smoothie or incorporated into several different dishes.  Do to its flavanoid content, sage has many positive impacts on your health and can be used to prevent and treat several different ailments.  Here are a few reasons why you should consider eating sage more often:

-Natural antiperspirant 

-Increases bile flow and liver detoxification

-Natural cough suppressant 

-Aids in digestion

-Anti inflammatory

-Boosts memory

-Fights gum and mouth disease

-Natural cold remedy

-Relieves cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

-Natural soar throat remedy

-Anti swelling

-Diarrhea relief

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

Eat well, feel well!

How raspberries boost your health

Considered one of the most popular berries, raspberry can also be a big hit with your health and nutrition.

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  • Anti inflammatory
  • Anti cancer
  • Fat free
  • Cholesterol free
  • Help to lower blood pressure
  • Low in calories
  • High in fiber
  • Good source of iron and folate
  • Potassium rich
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Sodium free
  • Help eye health
  • High in vitamin C

There are over 200 types of raspberry.  The plant actually produces a great amount of berries and is very hearty.  Raspberry plants can produce in the spring, in the fall, or be ever bearing.  About 90% of the raspberries eaten in the U.S. are grown in Washington, Oregon, and California.  British Colombia produces about 80% of the raspberries enjoyed by Canadians.

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5 health benefits of cilantro

This popular herb tastes great in multiple dishes and sauces but also has some surprising effects on your body when you add it to your regular diet.

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Anti inflammatory

Lowers blood sugar

Reduces menstrual cramping and hormonal mood swings

Helps remove heavy metals from the body

Lowers cholesterol

Surprising health benefits of black cherries

Besides tasting amazing, there are some other reasons to eat black cherries!
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  • Anti inflammatory:  Studies suggest that eating cherries can help with inflammation.  A study out of the Journal of Nutrition suggests that compounds in black cherries inhibit inflammatory pathways.
  • Sleep:  Black cherries contain both tryptophan and melatonin which help you sleep.  Sleep problems can lead to scores of other health problems including obesity, diabetes and depression.
  • Muscle recovery:  A study suggests that black cherries may help improve muscle recovery because of their anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and lipid peroxidation capabilities.
  • Treats gout:  Some studies show that black cherry juice can be  taken to reduce gout flare ups.  

The 10 best uses for Neem

If you have not heard about the herb Neem, it is time! 

Neem is a powerful popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine.  It has an incredible amount of uses from helping with digestive issues to healing skin problems.  It can be taken orally or topically. The Neem tree lives up to its name, 'The Tree of Life.'

Here are the 10 best uses for Neem:

1. Immune System Support and Booster ~ Neem has antibacterial, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also rich in antioxidants which fight off free radical invaders that can damage cells and lead to illness.  Coughing can also be reduced by drinking neem water.

2. Skin Healing and Support ~ Neem has anti-inflammatory properties that help calm inflamed or irritated skin.  It can help with skin issues such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Take a bath with Neem Leaves or mix with coconut oil and put on the skin.

3. Anti-inflammatory ~ Neem has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in conditions such as arthritis, muscular pains and inflamed wounds. Heat Neem Oil with Coconut Oil and massage into aching joints.

4. Dental Health ~ Neem can be used in toothpaste or mouthwash to prevent gum disease and cavities.  Neem prevents the gums from becoming irritated and inflamed and prevents the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth.  The twigs from the tree were used for centuries to brush teeth.

5. Parasites ~ Neem can be used to combat intestinal worms. Drink Neem tea to kill ring worm and scabies.

6. Insect Repellant ~ Neem is a natural insect repellant. It is safe to use on the body to keep pests away. It can also be used in shampoo to get rid of lice.  Put oil in hair and let sit overnight. Neem oil can also be added to dog shampoo to kill flees and ticks.  Another use it to make a spray to protect your garden from pests.

7. Digestive Issues ~ Neem Supports a healthy GI tract and helps to process foods to prevent digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation.
8.  Liver Supporter ~ Neem helps the liver function properly by filtering out toxins so it can work properly. Use of Neem also recommended  for treatment of jaundice.

9. Warts, Cold Sores and Herpes ~ A paste of Neem powder can be applied to warts and herpes and other viral issues.

10. Cancer treatment ~ Neem has been known to reduce the size of tumors when it's injected around the area.

There are many more uses for this Wonder Herb. Neem is a fast growing tree which makes purchasing the powder, leaves, seeds or flowers inexpensive if you cannot find a tree growing near by. I personally have used it as an insect repellent for my entire family, (dogs and plants included). I have also used it to relieve skin issues and I use it for dental health. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the 'Tree of Life' and find below some of the products that I have developed using Neem. 

Thank you for joining me on my journey to live as close to the Earth as possible!

With Gratitude,
Alex is a renowned speaker, (R)evolutionary teacher and world traveler, having lived and studied in the United States, South Africa and Costa Rica. She has a BA in Environmental Studies, a Masters Degree in Psychology and is a qualified Yoga instructor. She is a continuous source of inspiration to thousands of women around the world and has spent her life tirelessly researching ways to maintain a fully balanced life.

Natural Cures Not Medicine

Previous posts this week:

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Healing powers of jalapeños

Spice up any meal while improving your health!
File:Capsicum annuum anaheim type unripe.jpg
"Eating healthy is nature's health insurance!"

Prevent cancer:  These peppers contain a substance called capsaicin which gives the it the kick but also triggers apoptosis, programmed cell death, in prostate cancer.

Lose weight:  The capsaicin in jalapeños has thermogenic effects, burning fat for you without even being in the gym.

Migraine relief:  Some studies have pointed to the mighty jalapeño and the active substance capsaicin because it inhibits a neuropeptide that is a key brain pain transmitter.

Reduce inflammation:  Capsaicin is an anti-inflammatory, inhibiting substance P which is associated with the inflammatory process.

Natural Cures Not Medicine
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Bee Propolis Found To Slow Tumor Growth

Bee Propolis has people buzzing about the wonderful health benefits and cancer fighting properties. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant but it's an anti-microbial - healing - analgesic - even used for anesthetic - and it's a great anti-inflammatory. - But the great news is that recently researchers from the University of Chicago Medical Center report that doses given to mice with prostate tumors had slowed growth by 50% as well as even being able to stop them growing all together.

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Basil Beats Bacteria!

All Hail Basil, the Royal Herb!

Did you know that Basil, the delicious herb known for its use in spaghetti sauce, pesto, and salad dressings actually has a long history and a variety of healing properties. 

 No way?  Yes way!

The word "basil" is derived from the Greek word Basilikohn which means "royal," alluding to the fact that it was held in high regard in ancient times.  Basil was first cultivated in Asia and Africa and is known to be used in several different types of cultural cuisine.  But, here is the real cool part...  It boosts cardiovascular health, is an anti-inflammatory, fights bacteria, and even protects your DNA from environmental damage and radiation.  A study published in the Journal of Microbiology Methods concluded that essential oils from Basil inhibits multiple strains of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria!

Basil is also an excellent source of daily nutrients.  Packed with vitamin k, this super herb is also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin k.

     Have tons of basil growing in your garden?  Just pesto the rest-o!

Make a dairy-free pesto: 

  • Chopped basil, 
  • garlic, 
  • olive oil 

Store what you don't use in the freezer
 for an amazing topping later on!

Anti-inflammatory Pain Relief Smoothie

Anti Inflammatory Pain Relief Smoothie!

1/2 cup Coconut flesh

1-2 cups of Coconut water or water

1 tablespoon of Chia or Hemp seed

1 cup frozen Cherries

5-8 fresh Basil leaves

Oh it looks so good! Keeping healthy is so much fun!


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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