Natural Cures Not Medicine: Bananas

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Showing posts with label Bananas. Show all posts

6 Foods That Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

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If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), or consume a diet which places you at risk for developing high blood pressure, you are at risk for experiencing heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it until they get a heart attack or stroke!

Consuming highly processed foods like fast food with incredibly high sodium levels are extremely damaging and is often the main culprit in raising your blood pressure. Another factor that puts you at risk for high blood pressure is fat – that is, the highly saturated and trans fatty acids which clog your arteries and make it hard for blood to flow freely through your veins, causing build-up and thus, high blood pressure.

Foods that help reduce high blood pressure

(1) Garlic

You can change your cholesterol levels and naturally lower your blood pressure levels with garlic! In fact, most members of the allium family (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.) have been shown to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and the flu. Countries who consume large amounts of garlic have also been correlated with the lowest levels of cardiovascular disease.

(2) Kiwi

A recent study in 2011 found that just 3 kiwis a day may naturally lower blood pressure (opposed to eating just one apple a day). The study took place over 8 weeks, and at the end of the study, individuals who consumed the kiwis had significantly lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate only 1 apple a day. Kiwis are lutein-rich (an antioxidant), which helps beat free radicals which are often linked to high blood pressure. Kiwis are also one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, as reported by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (along with grapes, and wild blueberries).

(3) Grapes

A study at the University of Michigan showed that grapes may help fight high blood pressure and heart disease (especially if you consume a salty diet). Grapes are incredibly high in antioxidants which fight off free radicals that normally lead to heart failure and hypertension. Grapes also lower inflammation in the body and allow the blood vessels to breathe and relax to prevent higher blood pressure.

(4) Leafy Lettuces

Eating green leafy vegetables on a consistent basis can help lower your risk for developing high blood pressure. Leafy greens are incredibly vitamin and mineral rich (with things like calcium, potassium, and manganese) which protects against heart disease and stroke. Lettuces are also nitrate-rich which has been linked to a reduction in blood pressure.

(5) Bananas

Bananas are very high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. Foods with potassium nitrate (like bananas and dates) have been reported to be even better than supplements using potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure, according to a UK study. Eating just two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by up to 10%!

(6) Watermelon

Citrulline in watermelon helps to normalize blood pressure. Eating up to 1/2 of a large watermelon per day can help lower high blood pressure, especially when the fruit is ripe, and when this antioxidant is at it’s highest levels. Citrulline is a type of amino acid that is converted into another amino acid, called Arginine (which people normally take to help lower their blood pressure). However, eating the more natural form of this compound is best, so make sure you eat the whole watermelon in it’s true, natural form!

Source: Live Love Fruit

Benefits of Magnesium

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We normally hear about the importance of iron and calcium, and vitamin’s C and D. We don’t hear much about magnesium, however, and this mineral, when one becomes deficient, can lead to severe health consequences. Not only that, but an estimated 80% of Americans are deficient in this mineral, and they may never know it since it is hard to measure with blood testing.

The enzymes in our body require magnesium to undergo their daily reactions. In fact, magnesium is found in over 300 different enzymes in the body which are responsible for things like:

1) Proper Bowel Function 
In the digestive tract, magnesium acts as a coenzyme – it breaks down food and helps assimilate the nutrients into the cells of your body. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach in also dependent on magnesium for its production and assimilation, as well as the bile in your liver.

2) Heart Muscle Contraction
Magnesium helps transport potassium, calcium and other ions across cell membranes, and without proper coordination and participation of magnesium to help these nutrients into cell membranes, then our heart would not properly function. This crucial function of magnesium in our bodies helps promote healthy muscle contraction, normal heart rhythm and healthy nerve impulses.

3) Relaxation of Blood Vessels
Magnesium is vital for muscle relaxation. Arteries and vessels are made up primarily of smooth muscle (the middle layer called the “Tunica Media”), and this muscle contracts and relaxes like a pump, allowing blood to flow through the body. Research has shown that magnesium acts to relax blood vessels (vasodilaton), which is associated with lower blood pressure.

4) Regulating Blood Sugar Levels
In fact, without enough magnesium in your body, you may be prone to developing diabetes. Magnesium deficiency has been directly linked to insulin resistance, and thus, increases your chances of becoming diabetic or developing some other chronic health issue.

5) Proper Formation of Bones and Teeth
We normally only think of calcium when it comes to maintaining healthy bones and teeth, however, magnesium is also a large player in this case as well. About half of your body’s magnesium supply is stored in your bones and it helps strengthen the structure of our bones with the help of vitamin D and calcium.

6) Creation of ATP (energy molecules of the body)
Magnesium is essential for proper ATP synthesis. ATP requires magnesium in order to be stable, and without magnesium, ATP would break down into other components called ADP and inorganic phosphate. Without enough magnesium, our ATP synthesis slows and doesn’t work as it should which can lead to serious health issues.

7) Reduces Cancer Risk
The body’s most powerful antioxidant, “glutathione,” requires magnesium to function properly. When magnesium is present, the body can properly shield itself from heavy metals, environmental chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, all factors that determine your risk for developing cancer. In fact, increasing magnesium to just 100 mg extra per day has been found to reduce a person’s risk for developing colorectal cancer by around 13 percent!

Magnesium has been found to help in a variety of health-related cases, such as those suffering fromfibromyalgia, atrial fibrillation, type 2 diabetes, PMS, cardiovascular disease, migraines, and aging. 

Incorporating magnesium into your diet is not as difficult as it may seem. In fact, many fruit and vegetables contain magnesium, which could dramatically improve your health. Chlorophyll, which creates the beautiful green colour of many of the plant foods we eat, allows the plant to capture solar energy and convert it into metabolic energy. This molecule contains a magnesium atom in its centre, and is also highly similar to the structure of our hemoglobin, meaning that lots of green leafy salads and juices nourish our blood and the cells of our body.

Men should aim for around 320 mg of magnesium per day, whereas women should aim for 230 mg/day.

The best natural sources of magnesium include (per 100 grams):
Sea Vegetables (nori, wakame, dulse) = 770 mg
Raw Cacao = 550 mg
Raw Pumpkin Seeds =  535 mg
Cilantro/Corriander = 694 mg
Almonds = 268 mg
Bananas = 27 mg
Okra = 57 mg
Swiss Chard = 81 mg
Spinach (or any dark leafy greens) = 79 mg
Hazelnuts = 163 mg
Beet Greens = 98 mg
Dates = 77 mg
Figs = 68 mg
Avocados = 29 mg


Foods To Lower Blood Pressure

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), or consume a diet which places you at risk for developing high blood pressure, you are at risk for experiencing heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it until they get a heart attack or stroke!

Consuming highly processed foods like fast food with incredibly high sodium levels are extremely damaging and is often the main culprit in raising your blood pressure. Another factor that puts you at risk for high blood pressure is fat – that is, the highly saturated and trans fatty acids which clog your arteries and make it hard for blood to flow freely through your veins, causing build-up and thus, high blood pressure.

Foods that help reduce high blood pressure

(1) Garlic
You can change your cholesterol levels and naturally lower your blood pressure levels with garlic! In fact, most members of the allium family (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.) have been shown to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and the flu. Countries who consume large amounts of garlic have also been correlated with the lowest levels of cardiovascular disease.

(2) Kiwi
A recent study in 2011 found that just 3 kiwis a day may naturally lower blood pressure (opposed to eating just one apple a day). The study took place over 8 weeks, and at the end of the study, individuals who consumed the kiwis had significantly lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate only 1 apple a day. Kiwis are lutein-rich (an antioxidant), which helps beat free radicals which are often linked to high blood pressure. Kiwis are also one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, as reported by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (along with grapes, and wild blueberries).

(3) Grapes
A study at the University of Michigan showed that grapes may help fight high blood pressure and heart disease (especially if you consume a salty diet). Grapes are incredibly high in antioxidants which fight off free radicals that normally lead to heart failure and hypertension. Grapes also lower inflammation in the body and allow the blood vessels to breathe and relax to prevent higher blood pressure.

(4) Leafy Lettuces
Eating green leafy vegetables on a consistent basis can help lower your risk for developing high blood pressure. Leafy greens are incredibly vitamin and mineral rich (with things like calcium, potassium, and manganese) which protects against heart disease and stroke. Lettuces are also nitrate-rich which has been linked to a reduction in blood pressure.

(5) Bananas
Bananas are very high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. Foods with potassium nitrate (like bananas and dates) have been reported to be even better than supplements using potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure, according to a UK study. Eating just two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by up to 10%!

(6) Watermelon

Citrulline in watermelon helps to normalize blood pressure. Eating up to 1/2 of a large watermelon per day can help lower high blood pressure, especially when the fruit is ripe, and when this antioxidant is at it’s highest levels. Citrulline is a type of amino acid that is converted into another amino acid, called Arginine (which people normally take to help lower their blood pressure). However, eating the more natural form of this compound is best, so make sure you eat the whole watermelon in it’s true, natural form!

Source: Live Love Fruit

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10 Fruits You Should Be Adding To Your Smoothies Today!

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Smoothies are a great way to increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Over the past 10 years of perfecting smoothies, I have found that certain fruits work better in smoothies than others, and that including high-antioxidant rich fruits into your smoothie will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Read on to find out 10 different fruits that you should definitely start adding to your smoothies TODAY!

Cherries are a popular summer fruit and should be eaten while they are in season. They are very high in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help lower your risk of developing heart disease and cancer. They also help promote healthy skin and brain cells. Cherries are also great anti-inflammatory fruits, and have been shown to act just as effectively as the painkiller ibuprofen. Make sure you choose deep, dark, red cherries (not light coloured – those are un-ripe), and be sure to pit the cherries before you blend.

Bananas are an amazing power food! They help individuals overcome depression because of their high levels of tryptophan (which is converted into serotonin in the brain; the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter). They protect against muscle cramps during workouts and counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones. They also improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms and help individuals lose weight via their fat-metabolizing resistant starch. Make sure to include ripe, spotty bananas in your smoothies as these are the kind that will help you gain these awesome benefits!

Berries are one of the best foods to include in your smoothies, especially because they are the fruits with the highest levels of antioxidants. Berries help lower your risk of certain cancers, and improve memory function and urinary tract health, as well as promote healthy aging. Berries are also very high in fiber which helps to maintain a healthy GI tract, lower blood cholesterol and reduce heart disease. Another compound in berries called “ellagic acid” is a potent anti-carcinogen, which has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. I would recommend putting around 1-2 cups of berries per smoothie (make sure you buy organic berries! Conventional berries are one of the highest sprayed fruits out there!)

Peaches & Nectarines
Peaches and nectarines are both very high in beta carotene which is essential for eye health (helps improve vision health by increasing circulation of blood in the eyes, and other body parts). Vitamin C content in these two fruits are also wonderful for skin care and reducing dark circles under the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles. Peaches and nectarines are great toxin cleansers as well, and their high fiber and potassium content reduces kidney related diseases and reduces risk of developing ulcers. Add 1 or 2 peaches or nectarines to your next smoothie – be sure to remove the pit!

Antioxidant compounds in mango have been found to protect against a variety of cancers like colon, break, leukemia, and prostate. Mangos are high in fiber, pectin, and vitamin C too, which helps lower serum cholesterol levels and helps clear the skin. Adding a cup or two of mango to your smoothie will ensure your body benefits from the mango’s amazing properties.

Who doesn’t love pineapple? Make sure you choose ripe pineapple (the green leaves on top start to turn brown when it is just about ready), otherwise, you will have battery-acid mouth for the rest of the day! Did you know that pineapples are incredibly high in vitamin C, so they help boost the immune system and keep our gums healthy. Pineapples are also high in manganese, which is a trace mineral needed by your body to help build bones and connective tissues. They also lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and the bromelain in pineapple helps alleviate inflammatory-related diseases like arthritis!

Oranges are a definite power food! They literally dissolve the mucus in your body and get rid of nasty blockages that may be causing a variety of underlying bodily issues. Oranges are rich in limonoids which help fight a number of cancers including skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. They also help reduce the risk of kidney stones and help lower cholesterol because of the high content of soluble fiber. Not only that, but this fruit is very high in potassium, an electrolyte mineral required for proper heart and nerve function. Last but not least, we all know the orange is high in vitamin C, which keeps our immune system strong and healthy! Juice a couple oranges for your next smoothie instead of buying pasturized orange juice which is very low in bioavailable nutrients.

Papaya is a great fruit for improving skin health and fighting against acne and skin infections. It is very rich in fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels and contains enzymes which prevent the oxidation of cholesterol (in turn, helping to prevent heart attacks). The enzymes in papaya are also wonderful for relieving constipation and diarrhea, and helps to cure infections of the colon. The seeds are great for ridding the body of intestinal worms too! Put 1-2 cups of ripe papaya in your next smoothie!

Grapes contain resveratrol which helps assist with weight loss by 1) reducing the cells’ ability to store fat; and 2) causing the fat to disintegrate 246% higher than normal! Resveratrol also improves blood vessel dilation, allowing blood to flow more easily through blood vessels. Grapes also protect the brain, thanks to resveratrol which cleans up brain-damaging plaques and free radicals (both of which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease). I sometimes like making an all-grape smoothie, with 1-2lbs of grapes in a blender, pulse blended for 30 seconds and you are good to go!


Finally, the kiwi is a great fruit to add to your smoothies! They contain a protein-dissolving enzyme which helps digest meals more efficiently and have high levels of potassium which helps manage our blood pressure. Kiwis have been found to protect the cell DNA from oxidative damage (something that leads to many cancers), and the high vitamin C content boosts your immunity. The fiber on kiwis are great for removing toxins from your intestinal tract too! Putting a couple ripe kiwis in your smoothie will allow you to reap these awesome benefits!

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Build Your Own Nutritious Smoothies In 5 Steps

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1. Choose A Base  
The base will mostly be the liquid of your smoothie. You can add plain water if you please, or coconut milk or water, nut milk (hemp, almond, sunflower, etc.), or fruit juice of some sort (apple, orange, pineapple, etc.). Add 1 cup to start, and once you have blended your smoothie, you can add more if you would like it more thin.

2. Add Fruit
You may add as much fruit as you please to your smoothie, just be sure you combine your fruit properly (acid with acid, acid with sub-acid, and sweet with sub-acid but never with acid). Some of my favourite fruit additions are banana (frozen or fresh - make sure they are spotty ripe to facilitate optimal digestion), pear, apple, berries, mango and pineapple.

3. Add Greens
Greens are a great way to get in some extra chlorophyll in your diet, and to help alkalize and keep the body calm. You can add a rib or two of celery, a few slices of cucumber, or 1-2 cups of tender greens (spinach, dandelion greens, swiss chard, romaine, green/red leaf lettuce or herbs like parsley, cilantro, arugula) or 1-2 cups of dense greens (like kale and collards)

4. Thicken up (optional)
If you want to thicken up your smoothie a little bit you can add some nut butters (like almond or peanut), or some coconut meat or chia seeds. If you choose to add chia seeds, make sure you soak them beforehand. Soak 1 tbsp. chia seeds in 250ml (1 cup) of water and let stand for 1 hour before using.

5. Power up! (optional)
If you want to power up a little bit, you can also use some of these so-called "superfoods" (although I consider all fruit and vegetables to be super, depending on growing conditions). These foods include goji berries, golden berries, mulberries (add around 1/4 of each berry), hemp protein (1 tbsp), hemp seeds (1 tbsp), flax seeds (1 tbsp), spirulina powder (1 tbsp) or maca powder (1 tsp). 

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Natural Cures For PMS

Many women the world over suffer from PMS. Symptoms can vary, the most common being, headaches, bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness, hot flashes, lower back and abdominal pain.
Fortunately, there are ways to combat the bothersome monthly demon without the use of pain killers. Foods and herbal supplements can all be beneficial. Understanding which foods our bodies need in the time leading up to and during a menstrual cycle can really make a big difference. Making simple changes to your food diet at least a couple of weeks in advance can actually help. It wont necessarily eliminate the problems completely, but studies have shown that they can certainly have a massive, positive impact.

Beat PMS with these superfoods:                                                

  1. Iron rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, egg yolks and for those who are not vegetarian, red meat, shellfish and poultry. Add some vitamin C rich foods or supplements to maximize the absorption of iron into the body. This will help account for the tiredness due to blood loss during a menstrual cycle.
  2. Bananas are a fantastic way to ward off  PMS. They are a fantastic source of potassium, zinc, fiber, calcium,  folic acid, B6, and iron. It's because they are packed full of goodness that they can replenish depleted nutrient levels caused by menstruation.
  3. Fat, the healthier type can actually help stop unwanted food cravings. Eating foods such as walnuts, oily fish or adding healthy oils such as coconut and olive in your meals can be of great benefit. 
  4. Calcium and Vitamin D can reduce symptoms of pain, bloating, cramps and food cravings. Excellent sources of calcium (other than dairy products) are brazil nuts, collard greens, molasses, kelp, sesame seeds and fish.
  5. B Vitamins are a great way to relieve PMS symptoms. B6 and B12, folate, thiamin and niacin. Top foods containing these are beans, dark leafy vegetables, milk, red meat and oranges. 

Herbal Supplements for PMS:

  1. Vitex or Chaste Tree, is probably the most common used herbal supplement for PMS.  It helps with heavy bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles and general reproductive health.
  2. Cramp Bark, is well known for easing (as the name suggests) menstrual cramps.
  3. Raspberry Leaf Tea, is fantastic for strengthening the uterus and helping symptoms of heavy bleeding and pain.
  4. Black Cohosh balances hormones due to its natural estrogen properties.
  5. Ginger helps relieve pain, gas and bloating.

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