Natural Cures Not Medicine: Cinnamon & Honey Weight Loss Tip

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Cinnamon & Honey Weight Loss Tip

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A simple recipe claimed to help you lose weight. Many of you may not think of eating honey for weight loss, but honey is a useful food to help you lose weight. Since it is a simple sugar, NOT a refined and processed sugar, it contains vitamins, minerals, nutrients and is good for you.

Honey helps boost and speed up the metabolism which helps the body burn fat.

Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar, therefore it doesn’t cause a sugar rush, but it is gradually and progressively absorbed into our body.

Cinnamon stabilizes blood sugar levels and increases the metabolism of glucose. Since high blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat, cinnamon helps prevent this. Cinnamon improves insulin function. Thus, you lose weight.

The cinnamon and local honey clean parasites, fungus and bacteria in the digestive tract. The honey will also help stabilize blood sugar levels, which result in less food cravings. You will also have a feeling of fullness and satiety.

1 tbsp of organic local honey
1 tsp of organic cinnamon
To make it simple: One part cinnamon and two parts honey is what is required for this recipe.

Put the cinnamon in a bowl
Boil 1 cup of water
Pour the hot water over the cinnamon
Steep for 15 minutes
-Add honey to the -cooled- liquid
Why add honey to the cooled liquid? – hot liquid will destroy the enzymes in the raw honey.

Action: Drink twice a day: 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup before going to bed. Take on an empty stomach.
You may experience more energy and better sex drive.

As always consult your health practitioner before starting a new diet.

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  1. Does it need to be taken as a liquid or could you just sprinkle the cinnamon onto a spoon of honey and take it that way?

  2. Is the water necessary? Or can you sprinkle a tablespoon of honey with cinnamon and take it that way?


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